mY luLLaBy

Listening to: country-duh
Feeling: angsty
<center><font face=georgia size=3>i wake up im alive in only a little while i cry. cause ur my <font color=white>lullaby</font> so baby come hold me tight. i wanna be <i><b>everything</B></i> you need. i wanna be where your here your eyes are <b>looking</b> into to mine so <font color=white>baby</font> make me fly. my <font color=white>heart</font> has never felt this way before. im looking through your eyes.</font> so today was one word-BLAH!it was web, which was amazing!!! i had to RUN to the <b>ADAP</B> class today! once i got there i met up with leanne and RG! so that was pretty cool and then so i sat with RG and leanne and john and greg and all of johns friends! then hannah reanne thomas and colleen were in front of us so it was cool! the class was pretty god awful boring tho! at least im getting it through with! however after the class i called my sister to pick me up...NOOOO she didnt pick up! so at first i was with emyo sara soph and RG, then they all left! so i hung out with boracks and then we chatted with all the other ppl who were stuck riding the bus home! interesting WEB...VERY <i>interesting</i> so i wanna go to tN really bad! like reallllly bad and i need to babysit to save up for taylors ipod! i really think that would an awesome idea!!!!! im gonna go. maybe ill write lateR!!!
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