win some...loose some

that prolly was the boringest trip ever! i used to think michael was so funny...after this turned into annoying. so on friday i go to rachaels house after school and so does lauren b/c our bus driver is the best...then we walked to the clubhouse and on the way there i dropped my math book in to sewer which really my best friend lauren climbed down there to get it for me! then kyle kevin jeremy lauren me and rachael hung outside and then i walked with kevin and kyle to kyles house then walked back home! he lives really close tho...or else i wouldnt have done that lol! then i drove to clemson which what felt like a married couple! one second they are like all cute...the next they are fighting. just for them to shut up i was like OK ANYWAYS! we get at the "dump" and retarded michael BREAKS THE KEY TO THE HOUSE. so we had to sit out there in the pitch black until my parents got there...then we had to break open a door. then went to bed. woke up and helped my mom tear town two ceilings in BY FAR THE CREEPIEST BASEMENT. on the closet door there was a pic of a boy and it said "i want to kill myself" and it was like a suicidal pic. prolly the freakiest thing. and my brother was like "id shoot myself too if i had to live down here" not only was that REEKED! after i was done with that i ripped up the tile...then did some crap outside to the weeds lol. me and my brother went exploring and found this awesome bridge so we climb down to it...then we look behind us and there is this sign that says "the point of no return" and my brother was like "what the fuck emily...why didnt they tell us that up there" b/c we were in a ditch. that sucked....but we got out. then i literally LAYED around for about 2 hours and then my mom wanted me to help her with more weeds. and i told her i would rather smoke them then pull them up! then we looked at a four-runner for sale. then i convinced my mom i was wastless she finally let me leave with michael and laura. ill write more later if i tired and i want a shower more than anything in this world right now besides the NOTHING i did at the house...i talked on the phone a TON!! lol my family was acually pretty pissed but whatever! talked to conner...but he wouldnt talk to me about anything. then i get a text from lauren saying all this stuff so i call her and she tells me A BUNCH OF STUFF that conner said to her about me. so i call conner back but he wouldnt tell me anything. and i dont feel like fighting for him to tell me so i just was like whatever...when he wants to tell me he can. EDIT-- alright so i talked to conner online and he acually talked to me and we sorted everything out! so im REALLY happy i know he is one of my best friends and we can talk about anything! instead of how it has been the past week or so! ehh that sucked slept in until 12 and then lauren called me and she said she was at the pool...and i was like WTF SHES AT THE POOL AND IM ASLEEP! so i got up out of bed! then me and rachael met lauren and katie at the pool and saw sam there and ko was there to so we all hung out! then at 3 kyle came! and then at 4 alex taylor and max came! and then later conner came! lol and then later john came! it was cool hanging out with everyone but it would have been better if me and conner had sorted things out before that b/c it was kind of akward with him there hating me! i Image hosted by each person there! they are so much fun so me and kyle... i dont know whats gonna happen! considering i have hung out with him TWO times...and talked to him only TWO times lol i dunno! at the pool me and him walked to the swings and went on them for a while and talked which was cool! then he fell off the swing and it was the funniest thing! he seems really cool and funny but ya never know what happens! im just gonna go with whatever comes along! + im not 100% over conner! i still love conner even through all the stuff he has said! if something happens with happens! if not...hes a cool friend! i really miss jenna! i read her diary...and i feel like i am not apart of her life anymore! its really sad how one of ur closest friends u barely ever see! i guess i have been a bitch lately and im really sorry jenna! im always here for you and i love you!! GOOD LUCK IN THE POWDERPUFF GAME TOMORROW you will be a big help in kicking the seniors asses =)
Read 2 comments
then my mom wanted me to help her with more weeds. and i told her i would rather smoke them then pull them up!
HAHHAHA omg thats hilarious!
lol thanks.i feel like i've missed alot of your life too