thank goodness its thursday

Listening to: mrs ramsey
Feeling: thrilled
well hey! so today i woke up at flipping 6:30 to go to a leadership meeting. me and lauren sat there and played tic tac toe for the whole time. i lost 7-5. arG!! then i left my lunch in there. so that sucks b/c im gonna hve to buy a lunch. last night i went to walmart and found the hair color im doing. its like the same as last time but a little darker. then my brother was lost and then he had a flipping tantrum so we left as soon as possible lol. then i watched CSI, studied, then talked to conner. so im gonna go do my science hw b.c i didnt do it. and then i need to study some for lit quiz today on the poetry terms. ERG! have a good day!
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