Anything But Mine

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: amazing
and i dOn`t see, hOw yOu cOuld ever be...anything but mine so today marks THREE MONTHS that me and conner have been together : ] amazing three months at that! i could not ask for anything better!! haha i bet he doesn`t remember... but i defintally do! all this registering for classes next year makes me realize how much i need to study more lol! so i signed up for health first semester and web page design B for the spring semester! now im deciding between AP world history or just honors...because i have heard its really easy! three day weekend this week!! ahh dood im so excited, i am staying with rachael but its only going to be two nights...i think! we have absolutely NO plans, but whatever it`ll be FUN haha! dad wants to go to KEY WEST for SB`O5 but mom wants to go to either SANTA ROSA orTAMPA!! i vote...the keys! even tho its a 14 hour car drive : ] so just a few minutes ago, natalie asked "didja study for the map quiz" haha yeah right... so i totally forgot... oh wonderful! i guess ill study...
Read 7 comments
14 hour drive? wow....HAVE FUN!!!
your diary is so adorable i love it!!
yahh the entry took me FOREVER
Whao.. I dont ever remember commenting on this... Haha.
HEY EMILY.... i'm just practicing writing with the new cool font. i'll see you in lit! i know you can't wait to read more of The Odyssey! iLU!