thursday in comp tech

Listening to: printer
Feeling: magical
im so mad! this gay friggin teacher said we were gonna have time to do hw so i didnt do any of mine last night, and she friggin canceled! i hate her! galla was last night! nicole- danced-with-conner! im proud of her! (wow that was har dto say lol) yeah wellllll cool! this weekend is gonna rock lol lauren! im exicted...cept i remembered in science that i have to babysit saturday night. but im gonna get my sister to do it! ok well im gonna go work on my homework..i have a crap load! -cdwag- (ahahh just like conner cept my last name) blllah
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whats this weekend?
yeah i wanna know too! lol and i guess ur not proud of me... i see how it is! jk love you!!!