uh tuesday

Feeling: nostalgic
hey! omg lunch was so funny today! i seriously was laughing sooo hard! i dunno what we were talkinga bout but it was the best! and holy cow! guess what! there was another bee in lit today! but emily green caught it and she chucked it outside after it stung her...and mrs brooks was freakin oh course b.c she thought she was gonna get sued or something! shes weird! hahaha the best news came though! matt levvit was crying yesterday!!! HAHA! i love that news! im sorry but ugh! hes so mean! lol! ok and my grades suck right now! i have like all Bs!!! i love this cd! its soo good! ugh i hope some good shows come on tonight! b/c last night they were sooo funny! especially everybody loves raymon~ hahah rachael! boy that was great! yeah some upperclassman called me a freshman today! lol! i was like OH CAN IT!! well i better go do hw before i fail some more crap!
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Hey flick its munchie... just wanted to tell u to call me when you get a chance i REALLY need to tell u something SOOO funny u have no idea!! xoxo