Listening to: nothing
Feeling: amazing
hey! today was fun! we drove around...came home...went to the hilary duff movie then went driving around...then went to applebees. then we went to the gas station and my sister locked her keys in her car! yeah not cool! and then we went to travis's house with steven, some kid, and sean. then omg!! kolby, austin, and dustin came over and freaked the crap out of us! they were running down the street in masks and my cousin and i had a great idea to chase them..and it was so scary! im scared that they are out there now! noe we are hanging out...steven's here...and kolby dustin and austin are about to come back over even though its 1 am! but yeah its cool b/c they are really hot! well im gonna go hang out with them more b/c they are the funniest ppl! they make me really wanna move back! and plus im scared of kolby and his scary mask! so i want to be safe with ppl!! lol!
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