Off cOurse

Feeling: smooth
Image hosted by this weekend is going to suck. on friday i have to go to a play for easter at JFBC and then on sunday i have to sit around all day for easter and its a lame excuse for my mom to say its "family time" maybe i can get out of it. gaw i hope so! if my sister and michael don`t get married ill be so mad. i have to spend so much time with their family and it would be a waste if NOTHING came out of this time. i was talking to sarah beth in spanish and she was like "yeah we are going to the play together..i mean we spend so much time together" and then i was KIDDING and i said "we might as well plan a vacation together" and she was like "acually...our families were talking about spending a week or so up at ur clemson house" oh dear gaw. i don`t really LIKE sarah beth. i mean there is nothing wrong with her...she just asks like she is better than everyone else. maybe its because i do not really know her that well...yeah ill tell myself that! i lOve rain! it is supposed to make ppl all mad and sad... but it makes me happy! so today was rainy :] nothing interesting really cept that i saw connah more than once...which was gOOd,GooD,GoOd lol...and i think that is about it so this year i am not running the peachtree. instead im going to GULF SHORES oh darn?! which reminds me...lauren i love how we said "of course we are going to keep playing golf" pshhh thats happened! lol so i went to the mall (where i spent about 1 hour looking for my brother b/c he is just SO cool and decides to walk off and we did not realize so while my sister and mom shopped my mom ordered ME to look for the fathead...not surprising i found him in the foodcourt) to look for an outfit for this weekend b/c easter means "a new spring outfit" for my mom which is RETARDED but yeah so i saw that they are opening a FOREVER 21!!! look at what ppl had to say about it...its ALMOST pathetic lol... oxSaMmIe14xo: HOLY CRAAAAAPPPPPP LJSHDKSGDHJGDSHNMJBVD oxSaMmIe14xo: JBSZFJGDBKHSF oxSaMmIe14xo: I am freaking out oxSaMmIe14xo: EMILY THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFEEEE kLeBaN 967: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kLeBaN 967: HALELUJAH! kLeBaN 967: omg i love that store blalock628: omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blalock628: yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoa all that excitement for ONE store!!!
Read 9 comments
haha..were running tommorow up ur energy
booooyoyyy i hope u can hang this weekend. eek thatd suck.
PS - you spelled majic wrong =D Magic*. ♥ lauren hahah
cute background.just wondering,
where did you get it &do you mind if i get a background?
ohhh yeah it is spelt wrong..i was wondering why it looked so funny
cute.. journal

ahhh forever21, heaven! -ap-
yah i look like an idiot but O WELL I AM SO FRICKEN EXCITED!!!! 3.22.05 will go down in history as KNOWING-THAT-A -FOREVER-21-STORE-IS-GOING-IN. HA luv yah
can i add u 2 the lst?i