
Listening to: none
Feeling: confused
hey! last weekend was so much fun! i went to mcdonalds with my girls colleen, rachael, jenna, and alex! then we went to the movies and i hung out with john most of the game---cept when he ran off with this other girl which really ticked me off! yeah and then saturday i went shopping at north point with lauren and rachael...and none of us bought anything! and then saturday after the mall i got dropped off at laurens and walked to nicoles. and at nicoles we jumped on the trampoline--me kt nicole and megan--and then we got tired of that and walked to kt's and they ate dinner. then nicoles mom took us to the movies with john, conner, alex, max, lauren, nicole, megan, colleen, and me! and it was really scary but stupid--we saw the grudge! and in the movie john decides to play hide n go seek with my money--um not cool! lol!and conner is such a baby its insane! he was freakin out! and max was all over luaren haha but it was cute! and then alex was talking about how he hated chinese ppl and one was sittin behind him the whole time! and it was scary b/c he was really fat! and i was sad that vicki and rachael and katie couldnt come---b/c they were all babysittin :( and i didnt wanna invite jenna b/c i didnt know whether or not we were going for sure---but i love her still and i hope she still loves me! :-) then my mom drove us to dunkin donuts...and then she left and was coming back to pick us up, but we had walked over to caribu coffee! and my mom was so mad lol but she cooled off like 2 seconds later. b/c it wasnt my fault. b/c she left her cell at home so she couldnt call me and i couoldnt call her! then we hung out there for a while, while my mom sat in the and then we went home! and then yesterday girls came here but not good enough food so we went to rachaels house b/c they are pigs! and now im all confused b/c i dont know if i like john or not--but it doesnt matter b/c i dont think he likes me anymore! but w/e! mmmmk im gonna go on advicenators...and help other ppl! :)! <3 emily
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