i`D dO anYthiNG

Listening to: lee ann womack
Feeling: blessed
lOve, or something ignites in my veins and i pray,it never fades in white houses

heyy guys! today is early release!! thank goodness! so i was going to walk to conners, but his mom is making him go golfing. soo i might walk to chilis with alex n taylor and i dont know who else. so im gonna write later! sorry lauren!! EDIT---- mk so after school we hung around figuring out what to do. then i went to chilis with lauren rachael jenna april katie marisa eric alex taylor and jack. yeah then we all just kinda hunt out. it was pretty fun, but kinda weird without conner there. then me and rachael went to walmart so michael could buy the kenny chesney CD, and we saw MK-kristin at walmart. pretty ironic. dont feel like writing. goodbye

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uh, pretty?