big foot is official i guess

Feeling: schizophrenic
i just got back from white noise, defintally a weird movie. but it was really good. i prolly wouldnt pay $8 to see it again, unlike two ppl i know..cough cough jenna and rachael! but im not scared anymore b/c my bff lucy just i/med me :-D! life is good noW! soooo im bored, no ones called me ALL DAY cept for rachael, but that was a quick call. wow. i have friends. i swear. so afterthe movie we walked to el toro. i am BIGFOOT to jeremy now. oh joy. then my mom n dad ate with us. not cool....tomorrows church. oooh fun? LATER! *hey lucy*
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bigfoot... haha i taught him well!! just kidding love you!!