
Feeling: thrilled
so today was by far the longest day god made. i was so darn thirsty i almost died. i got water in just about every class. do not ask why. i do not know. so then i talked to amy so i wouldnt fall asleep in lit. mrs. johnson=boring. when i went to ask her to get a drink of water, i forgot her name. ehg. nice huh? then in geo, i ran out of that class so fast, the bell was still ringing when i left. im not kiddin. now im sittin here listening to this song. and its kinda depressing. and i just read laurens profile, and the one thing i want right now is to spend like just 5 freaking minutes with lucy. like 3 monthes would be amazing, but even 5 minutes would be nice. i might cry. she sure knows how to make a girl cry. sad thing is, she just left. yeahhh so im gonna go upstairs b/c i just drank like 500 gallons of water. HEY TO LAUREN RACHAEL AND JENNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, IF YALL WERENT WITH ME, ID BE LIKE MY DOG...LIVING UNDER THE SINK AND GETTING ATTACKED BY A CAT AND BE DEPRESSED!!!! I LOVE YALL SO MUCH!!!!
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haha getting attacked by a cat. Instead u get called fat head and big foot? your sure thats any better?
i know. where would i be without you guys. psh, prolly hiding in my bathroom with all the other roaches looking for revenge. ah, creepy.
well i wouldnt want you to be that dog under the sink..hahahahaa LOVE YOU!! and im sorry about the seating arrangement HA