
Listening to: hairy legs
Feeling: thrilled
YO LOSER! dude this hairy legs---friggin best song!! i needa mow the lawn! peshsh the lawn on my leg~ haha ok wow! welllllllll today was fun! i walked to rachaels and then i left and went to the mall :( then went to the movies with kt nicole jenna rachael and lauren and conner just so happened to be there! oh whew! uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..we just called nicole in the movie...then called kt! and it was funny b/c we KNEW kt was with nicole---and yeah! haha! ok well we are sittin here talking to steven on the phone---this weird kid from TN! yeah! well we are gonna go! tootles
Read 2 comments
last night was fun! Lets do that AGAIN!! whoop! ur the besttest!
---munchie! haha
hey loser. =) thats richter