wHiChevEr yOu pREfer

Feeling: antsy
Image hosted by Photobucket.com i seriously decided i think way to deeply into things . i always just want everything to go my way. i always expect the best of the best. and when everything is perfect, i am retarded and expect more...deffintally needs to end! so last night while i was grounded, i talked to alex on the phone for like a freakin hour! kid talks more than anyone i know... haha but its cool! he is interesting to talk to! we talked about pretty much everything then you know when ur so tired even though you did nothing all day? well i had that lol so i dozed off to sleep and then conner called me after his cousins party : ] even though i could hardly think , we talked... and i dont remember a darn word i said lol! then i woke up and went to church and met up with tay and alex and max! we went to sunday school and then service and me and taylor played games during it! yeah i defintally won the DOT game! so now im sittin here pretty bored but ey whatever!! later lOverz
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lIsTeN. i d0nT kN0 u. bUt i kNO uR b/F N i JuSs tHoT i ShUd tEll U hE cHEaTed On u WiT anOtHA gRl. Im NoT tRyIn 2 UpSeT yOu. JusS sOmEtHIn U sHUd kNo.