
Listening to: ryan cabrera
Feeling: bored
hey im so bored! luckily nicole is comin over---i dunno what we are gonna do but yeah! better than sittin my butt down here! im so tired i hope i dont fall asleep on nicole! lol! ugh yesterday was so fun...and today has been so boring! all ive done is go to church and the chandlery! omg im extremelly extremelly excited!!!! im going to tennessee on oct 15!!! and i think my cousin might be having her birthday party that week which would be awesome! lol ive gone to her parties for the past like 2 or 3 years ina row! they are fun! she has so many people come over its crazy!! well im gonna go b/c nicole should be here soon! gaw i havent hung out with her in forever!!!!
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