rainbows and butterflies

Listening to: pretty girl
Feeling: confused
Image hosted by Photobucket.com she loved him like he was the last man on earth its friday!! on the way to homeroom...taylor popped in 80 cents to get a candy bar...and three came out... we decided its gonna be a good day! i`m so tired for some reason. so lauren might come over to either me or rachaels house today and hang out for a while. then i think shes hanging out with jeremy and im going to conners house i think! spend last night watching CSI and wondering where the heck my parents where... later realized they were at a comedy show or w/e for some lady they work with. went running yesterday...i was about 2 houses down from rachaels house when she called and said she couldnt come...so i ran back home and then ran a mile on the tredmill. then talked to vicki a ton about things we want...pretty interesting! yesterday mrs filardi told me to stop sucking conners neck. hah not embarassing at all?! lol acually it wasnt too bad... could have been his mom! i have some stupid car wash tomorrow from 9-1 then i think i might go to the powderpuff game... even though im broke. theres my life... so friday me and lauren went to the other 1/3s house and we hung out until 8 and went to the avenue with conner travis patrick phil and sean. jenna katie april and alex were there, but then left to go to battle of the bands! then we just hung out n stuff..then i went back to rachaels and we all talked to jeremy on the phone haha he is so nice! i dont understand how anyone dislikes him! then i broke up with conner...and even right now i honestly dont know what i want! i dont know what my heart is telling me to do...and it sucks! finally slept...then me lauren and rachael got ready for nothing lol and i started crying b/c i was listening to "california here we come"- the cd lucy burnt us for her birthday party before she moved...and i was sooo freakin sad!!! that really sucked...i made rachael cry too and she didnt even know waht she was crying for! then later we went to the movies with conner rachael max april alex katie john brad patrick eric sean and jenna...and it was sad/bad/akward/ and just plain weird being there with conner next to me. b/c for the first time in like 5 months i had something so close to me i knew i couldnt have. i am just SO lost right now... i need to figure this out on my own though lOve-EMiLY*
Read 8 comments
sounds like you had a fun web!!!
haha ur a pro at the hickeys huh... ull have to teach me about that someday.. -r
have a good night with cdizz. =) i love u
haha that was fun! i love our lists of all those things we want and will like never have... sigh.. but i hope i somewhat helped you! lol it was awesome talking to u again, i was dieing when ur comp was screwed and u weren't online for so long! loooove ya!
i really hope you figure out your heart troubles with conner! i was actually hoping yall would get back together at the movies..because its ALWAYS been you two and now its just weird =/..but i hope you figure everything out. ill post the pictures soon! hope everything works out I LOVE U EMIIII!!
one more thing..IT IS A CUTE BUNNY. lol animal hater yooou.
gracias =)
i love you emily