Listening to: nothing
Feeling: happy
hey! i havent written in a while! soo last night was jennas new years party and it was so fun! the best part was watching the boy scouts attempt to do fireworks....pretty lame looking fireworks, but funny to watch! thennn we basically just hung out! it was a good night :-D if ya know what i mean! pah ok! so today i went home from jennas at like 1 b/c we woke up at 12:30 and me and rachael sat in the car and talked while my mom shopped in publix. thennn later i went to a really boring movie with some people! then later my sister andni went driving. cept it ended up as me sittin in my sisters car in the dunkin donuts parking lot as i watch my sister hang out with her friends. oh so cool. thennn i go inside and get made fun of my josh dews brother b/c i was wearing my pjs. i felt cool. then ni called rachael to end the torture, but then that idiot dropped her phone in the toliet...which ruined my night. hellllll nno! ahahaha earlier rachael and her mom had the funniest convo. we were on the way to pick her sister up so we could sneek and peek at her boyfriend, we got no seeking done. but rachael was hilareous. so it was all good. im gonna go read previous entries. tomorow i need to ask my mom about wild bills. and i wanna ask my dad if we can go golfing. score
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glad you had a great New Year's Eve!!!!! you're so awesome...we're deff gonna stay friends this year! i love ya!