i`ll be there

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: bleh
wHatEver tOmorrOw brings i`ll Be tHerE wIth Open arms And open EYes

i need sleep. i am not getting enough. i woke about and it was one of those dreadfully tired mornings. then i talked to my mom about SC. since my sister is going to CLEMSON my parents are thinking about buying a small lakehouse up there...just for an address so we dont have to pay for intuition. retarded if ya ask me...but whhhatever! it`d be a small thing anyways. but mom said we could bring friends up there and she said "there is no point of having a lake house and not having a boat" : ] so thats real good! hot tub possibly also! but from the way my family talks, that all will never happen! its also pretty gay considering my dad's cousin drowned in that lake when my dad was little. they were at a family reunion and they all left her, and my dad said she coudn't swim...came back to find her..and she was gone! ughh CrEePy we are having a tornado drill..hold on ahah wow. that was worth the ten calories i just burnt. that drill officially lasted....3 seconds. my hair got in gum! i sent alex some of my diary. and he said "ok thats boring whats the point of making it private" yeahh i dunno thats a good question.

-_-EDIT-_- so my day was better than normal days!! i acually saw conner during the day today so that was defintally a + Ãœ JenBabe4029: 38 times in 10 minutes JenBabe4029: conner flipping flipped his hair 38 times in 10 minutes HAHA JENNA! I ♥ yOu so on the bus ride home, i noticed just how many split ends i have...and i am sleeping in deep conditioner tonight. guys guys i know my hair will look bad tomorrow...so plan in advance not to make fun of me (more than usual that is) so i hatediana. i am sorry. but i do. she comes up to "the possy" and says to me "hey emily are you coming to the party? if so, bring these people with you" the freaking nerve of that blonde-splotched-haired ance filled needs to wear eyeliner chick. ARG! she makes me so pissed all the time! : ] ok well im gonna go!
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lOve yOu
hey how did you get the words on your diary entry to be different?
haha.. angry much?? haha.. 38 times.. lets shoot for 45 tomorrow.. ill see we'll be taking a test
hey emily its sam!! HA u crack me up about diana... if it wasnt for me you wouldnt have been invited to her o so cool party in which we are going to crash well simple life is on love yah!!