Listening to: 101.5
Feeling: overwhelmed
Image hosted by weekend with my BEST FRIENDS ...what could be better!? i love these girls more than my own siblings...LOVE THEM TO DEATH! so on thursday DUH i came to rachaels house and then we hung out...then lauren came over!! then we hung out and watched tv and crap! still fun! then we slept and my phone woke everyone up!! they love it...they know it too! then i went home for a while to pack n crap then i jumped on my trampoline and hung out outside for a while b/c it was amazing outside!! haha! then i went back to rachaels where the GIRLS were STILL sleeping! gaw. so then i slept again also...b/c it was still dark in her basement so what the heck!! later we got dressed n listened to music and stuff! then we got all dressed up and went to a resteraunt in roswell. it was cute , hick city. laurens mom is the funniest lady..." better watch out... dont wanna run over any hicks" her mom called us hicks. on the way home...we knew every single word to every country song! we cant help we love country! then we went to chilis and met up with people!! cold...but fun! hah! first we kinda went to chilis because we are retarded and thought it would be cool to randomly show up... but then we ended up staying with CONNER patrick and greg... hilareous people to hang around with! then we came back to laurens house and now we are just chillen! ok coooool... just got in a fight with jenna. diaries screw me over sometimes...but i do love these girls...not saying i dont love other ppl. i love my mom and dad but i dont yap about them on my diary. im sorry if i am a bitch sometimes...i just cant handle too much of one thing. i do not like stress or things that make me worry. i am a carefree person. stress+ me=bitch mall tomorrow...thank goodness!!! LOVE YOU!
Read 5 comments
SO! weekend with my best friends...what could be better!?

i love these girls more than my own siblings....LOVE THEM TO DEATH!

.. thanks..?
love the site <33
its been funny 2/3 :-D
thanks budddy. WEEKEND WAS KILLAARRR. lol.
oops..last one was frmo me..LAUREN.