cruisin together

and if you want it you got it forever i could just stay here beside you and love you baby my stupid computer at my house isnt workin so im writin this at laurens sadly! this morning me and lauren woke up and we went to a bathing suit and we talked A LOT. i can pretty much share my life when them :] which is good! been with them ALL spring break! rachael and i have been apart for maybe 7 hours...but lauren has been with me 24/7 lol on the way home from the avenue and i was telling them how much i miss the possy we never hang out together anymore! i miss those fun times where we did everything together! it was always max, john, conner, alex, taylor, me, lauren, rachael, april, and its like we are always doing other stuff! i miss those times now we are sittin here at laurens and her parents dont get home until tomorrow. then conner gets home tomorrow :] thank gOOODnessSS...miss him so much
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i miss those times too! haha
Where do u live .... i know how u feel about the whole possy thing there use to 6 of us girls that allways where together now we all have b/fs and never talk to each other anymore and we all talk shit about each other it sucks but hey its life! Try to get them all back together trust me u will be glad u tryed!
i miss it toooo