
Listening to: oceans eleven music
Feeling: confused
im wish i had a starbucks frappicino lol this weekend i went driving---first time was a disaster....2nd was better my weekend: friday-me lauren rachael conner and alex WERE gonna go to the movie, but went to the game instead. and that was alright... then i drove home rachael and then stayed up talking to conner on the phone saturday-woke up at 10. went to the mall with rachael my mom and her mom. and then at like 3 or so my mom and i left and got dressed to go to my brothers confirmation. so we went there. and it was boriiing! even my bro was bored, he ditched it and went on the playground outside! lol! ok and then i called rachael while i was still at church cause i was bored, and we were gonna hang out but we couldnt figure out what to do with the guys so rachael ended up just comin over and we watched tv. pimp my ride to be exact. then she ended up sleeping over. and we had a scary night. we talked to conner on the phone- and while we were doing that someone was under my bed, phone calls went off at 1 am, and we heard random was weird sunday- woke up. got ready for church. dropped rach off at home. went to church. ate watched my dad eat breakfast at the church as i was praying we would leave. talked to alex at church. came home. talkedt o rachael for about 2 hours ab out what to do. then i got sick of it and I drove to rachaels---yep I drove!! :-D! then we ate pistachios and made cookies, then we went to the avenue for a while..walked to kmart. and then came home. and we were gonna hang out again tonight, but we were too BLAH lol! now im sittin here watching oceans eleven and about to go upstairs!! oh and im also talking to rachael! gaw--i swear that girl is my other half! lol! ok well im leaving!
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