
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: bipolar
sorry if i mess upa lot in this. i sliced my finger with a freshly sharpened steak knife. freakin retard today was taylors dads memorial service! i do not deal with those well. i kept looking at taylor and imaginging myself in his position. and i dont think i could ever be as strong as him! it was one of the most sad positions i have been put it in a while! i was trying to imagine what i would be like during MY fathers! taylor is DEFF amazingly awesome for how well he is taking it! i look up to him! i wish i could be that strong! i was crying just looking at OTHER ppl cry! but it was so embarrasing and shameful when we walked in 10 minutes late. i wanted to sorry girls!! so i get home from the church..and iwas talking to my daD! and he was telling me how he talked to taylors mom and i told him how i tried to picture myself in his position. and my dad said "yeah..sometimes we take things for grantite" and i was thinking about it...and i take the love from my family for grantite a lot. my mom and dad do all this for me...but i dont do enough for them to show them my appreciation. in my lit test i remember reading a qoute that was on it and it said "to love life you have to live life"...i dont ever remebering reading that in the poems we read...but it struck me with a lot of meaning when i read it on the test. my ss grade went up 18 points...all because of that stupid project i worked on all weekend. see jenna, i told you, there was a good reason i didnt come to ur house and to work on that project!!!
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