
Listening to: UT game
Feeling: fun
yeah today was sooo tiring im beat! i got home from jennas at like 1. after walking like 5 miles with lauren! haha! and then i played 10 holes of golf! and i was so tired after golf b/c my dad made my fetch like eevery stupid ball he saw! but hey i got to practice dirving on those cool golf carts! lol! and then i wasnt sure if i was gonna go to the game b.c i was so tired! but im glad i did! it was cool! i mostly hung out with kt, alex, lauren, jenna, alex, erik, april, zach, and yeah! it was fun! im so incredibly tired and really sore from golf lol i dunno why! so im gonna go to bed even though its no even 11! im a loser like that~bye!
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