Listening to: printer
Feeling: crappy
heyy yall! today has been quick..teb-thank god!! so like lauren, me and rachaels loving bus driver parks in the last spot. despite the cold weather, that lady is heartless and parks down yonder. shes worse than the blow up grinch that is takin up our view of our "awesome backyard" b/c our neighbor puts this gargantuan blow up of the grinch on her porch. tackay! today in science we watched october sky, and in spanish watched dodgeball...good day so far! wow next is lunch. im so not even hungry. and rachael thinks im like going annorexic b/c i dont eat in food day in spanish, but IM NOT RACHAEL! so today is teb and i do not want to stay at school and study. that is NO fun. so both my parents are out of town! haha so thats fun! im gonna go read these ppls diaries. wow funnnnnnnnnn ok i got bored..now im writing more! so these are my grades: (eveyrone else did it ..) lol science: 91 ...egh!! spanish: 98 computer tech: 96 geography: a flippin 89.45 (no joke!) lit: 84-that sucks man! lowest grade ive ever gotten algebra: 87 blah...not too hot! but better than C's i guess... um i have no idea when this class is gonna end, but it better be soon. later guys...im gonna go before the bell rings, and im stuck here waiting for it to load.. thats happened numerous times i prolly wont write in a while cuz of the break, acually i say that and i prolly will...
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