i might be tan in 2 days

Image hosted by Photobucket.com yesterday was a fun day...for a weekday. me and rachael went running through baldwin farms and looked at all the pretty houses haha. and these stupid kids were yelling at us. RUN RUN me and rachael were both like SHUT THE HELL UP we are so pleasant when we run!? then we walked to the clubhouse and talked to nicoles little brother [closest ive gotten to the garten family in about 2 monthes] and then we layed out on the tennis courts for like 30 minutes. and then we went shopping for SB stuff. im getting so excited!!!!!! wont be able to see conner for like 1 week!! HAVE FUN IN COLORADO CONNER! i LOVE YOUU AND iM GONNA MiSS YOU LiKE CRAZY!! Image hosted by Photobucket.com
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i can play alot of instruments...my knees a good one
WHAT ABOUT ME ARE YOU GONNA MISS ME ? Well dont worry ill be with you for the next 5 days :D
hey emily!! have a blast in panama city!!!!!!!!!!
love always..