i don`t care

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: amazing
it`s . so . muCh . eaSieR . tO . say . [i dOn`t care] thEn tO expLain aLl the reasOns wHy [I still dO] last night i got to hang out with my baby! : ] went to the movies with my other 2/3 didnt see a movie though... then went to capozzis and kmart! i was so happy to hang out with conner again! i love him so much! then after that my dad picked me up and we went to the cheesecake factory to celebrate my sisters 18th birthday! my mom is so dumb. i said to my sister "hey laura now u can go clubbin" and my mom was like "nuh huh...she has to be 21" whhhhatever mom... whatever. then i got home at like 12:OO then this morning i had to go to church...and i was in the WORST mood ever! i was too pissed off to sing the songs! mom kept asking me questions... i said to her "please...just dont talk to me" it worked well... until she started yelling... so today i am going to the park to hang out... and i am so excited that i don`t have england training tonight! so thats my day...guess i`ll write more later! EDIT--- today was AMAZING. probably one of the most fun days i have had in a while! so me lauren and rachael met up with ko and conner at the park...then while they were off playing football and getting beat up =) us girls went to the creek and explored (it is what we do best) and found the most awesome "beach" spot to hang out in the summer! then we met up with conner and ko again after they were done playing football and poor conner busted his lip. : ] i hope it feels better! then the real fun started when we played in the creek...mud wars are the best thing invented! and while we were chucking mud at each other playing in the water, we were like what the heck why dont we just go swimming so then we did. then after being cold as crap we sat on these benches and just talked...ko is hilareous! then we walked back to KOs and sat and waited for our parents to get there! very fun day!! now im sittin here picking out all the sand/rocks/mud in my hair dang nasty considering i just took a shower! and i have fn poison ivy i think! now im listening to my brothers stories about sharptop! he said the girls that alex taylor and max met were "really hot" my brother is talking about how funny them boys are! yeahhh they are! my loving brother won a IPOD wtf... i hope he is in a good mood a lot =)
Read 5 comments
woah do i fuckign agree with that
ps love ur diary
liv xx
awesome day duude! LOVE YOUU!
i love your diary where did you get your background?