Be better.

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: artistic

how can i try to be better, nobody ever lets me in

so today was pretty boring! but heyyyy whatever!! i got good sleep! wanna see the highlight of my day???

wow those were HIlaRIOus but very cute! so bascially today, i was out running forced errands which SUCKED. annnnd thats it! once i finally had plans, my mom wouldnt drive me! dAndY! so tomorrow...i am re-dying my hair...b/c it looks hORRibLE and after that (if it looks better) i am deffintally doing SOMETHING ok thats all! lol i dont feel like writing!! LOVE YAH!

Read 8 comments
yes very sweet
Yeee, i like your diary! :) How do you make the font color change?
Yay, thank you sooo much! Whos the dude on your entry?
the color thing wouldnt work! :(
OOH I GET IT!! haha i didnt put the space!
Thanks so much for your help! can i add you to my friends?
thanks for the nice comments! your diary is awesome too