cLosest tO heAven

youre the closest to heaven that ill ever be and i dont want to go home right now got back from cali on wednesday =( then me and rachael went to chilis with some people and then to a movie! kinda forgot all that ive done since then but this weekend i went to the clemson house and did a ton of work! wasnt bad tho. bout a trillion bugs. these nasty critters that are black with red legs. other than that, i learned a lot. found out my uncle had been having another affair with a different lady for 7 years. he is a good man. wednesday my cousins come out. totally stoked about that. should be funn. pics from cali Image hosted by prolly the coolest thing ever. Image hosted by me and gooosey Image hosted by hahah look at lucys face. god i love and miss her Image hosted by me and luc Image hosted by us again =) Image hosted by us three at disney. the old crew Image hosted by now thats a bear hug if ive ever seen one
Read 4 comments
that was the most confusing thing ive ever read.. sorry
♥ rach
ur diary is really cute... where did u get the layout?
gee wiz.. you made it look like i didnt even go to california. just kidding... but seriously
hey best friend - bon jour/shalom ;) miss ya and can't wait to see ya. somehow tell me if ya wanna meet at my house like ya did last time. PEACE!