fOllow yOur heart

follow your heart sunday i went car shopping and found the most perfect one but someone has already bought it right after we looked at it =( so now we are still looking. but its for my dad b/c he will be getting a new job in 2 weeks... and his company is not giving him a car until like 1 year... so he needs one for the time being. whatever i wont be getting the four runner anyways... my sister will be getting it! sunday night i talked to conner for like 2 hours and then i stayed up talking to my mom until 12! came to school and heard that kelsey glazer is telling everyone conner dumped me for her? i dont really care if people think that b/c it doesnt matter who did it to who... just kind of LAME of kelsey. gotta say though--- i am not jealous of conner. i told him i want him to tell me everything that goes on in his life b/c we are still best friends he wants to beat up jeremy b/c he has no one else to blame cept him (even tho he did nothing) everytime i say something wrong he alwyas says "fine im just gonna beat up jeremy" mature. very. i acually would be really pissed off if he did that b/c he would be like 100 times meaner to lauren if he did that. its our drama...not theres. but yeah thats okay... he will get over it on the way to the mall yesterday my mom told me that my brother got into a fist fight. the funny part is that it was at boy scout camp lol! a frosh from wheeler was pissin my brtoher off when my brother was putting shit into the fire to make it huge and my brother was like "what are you gonna do about it" so the guy swung at my brother. being the large beast my brother is he started beating the kid up...and so my parents got a letter from the main dude saying my brother needs to control himself BLAHBLAH. my mom was like "this is the 5th fight he has been in and he is only in 7th grade" but then again she told my brother "never throw the first punch...only the second". stupid thing to tell ur giant son who has anger management problems. this morning our freakin bus broke down. so another one had to pick us up and then i got to school and conner said i looked like i had just woke up!?!? michael thinks i am like in love with thomas and he is like DONT WORRY EMILY ILL GET IT TO WORK and i was like no michael seriously dude. eeeEHh he better not
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i love you emily! and i bet your tired of this but im always here if you need to talk or just vent! -ap
stay'll get through it i promise.
emily! always here for you.. lOve fOrever andd ever --rachael
and DUDE whats wrong with getting set up with thomas!!!! i deff. wouldn't have a problem with that!
wow thats gay of kelsey. but its not who cares! love u!