sunndays suck

Listening to: nothing-like always
Feeling: bored
hey yawl! today was boring.......inncredibly i wake up by the sound of jenna calling. what is new. i look out my window, my gpa and uncle are leaving. darn. then i get dressed. i go to the mall. i think thats the 5th time this week. im passed the limit of times to go to the mall. i went into hollister, returned 2 shirts. bought 2 shirts. i come home, both of the shirts i bought dont fit. yay, mall again this week... at super-walmart (land of mexicans)i get my new flatscreen tv babay! i set that sucker up alone :-D and then i set my dvd player up all by myself! i was proud! also during walmart, preston the retard brother wonders off into the electronics isle (hes the loser who's attention is drawn to the big display of new nintendo games...ey) my mother and i go into the car, where my dad is sittin WITHOUT my brother. he is lost. i go in to look for him. and i even asked the fat man if he saw my bro leave. he didnt speak english. i looked hard. i found him. we left. where i then drove home (yes i drove .. ok 1/2 mom was scared) and saw my papa. oh boy, that was joyous. thennnnn i watched mean girls. and thats it today. i wanted to go to wild bills tonight....but then again i i didnt but lauren and jenna are gonna tell my parents how great and nice it i cann go next week ..... RIGHT GIRLS ;) i wish these ppl would leave. they came over for desserts for a "quick stop by"....its been 3 1/2 hours...that aint quick soooooo now im sittin here bored, and pathetically came to the lowness of talking to my brother online.......god help me
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sounds like a fun day. YOur deff. coming with us next week!! love yoU!
hahahaha i love you emy! see ya friday.. FINALLY!! --rachael