her catastrophe

...aNd hE fIt PErFeCtlY iNtO hEr CaTaStRoPhE... been very fun lately!! sarah beth slept over the other day then we went to clemson. prolly the funniest drive up there. i like sarah beth now she is hilareous! then once we got there i helped my dad dig up this pipe and connect it to a drain to make a sidewalk while the rest of the fam slept. then me and sarah beth and my brother walked downtown and went into all the stores. then walked across to the gas station and bought slushies. lol then the best part was superwalmart and the rest of that trip was filled with sleeping and ... napping. ok then i came home and was bored. went to rachaels house. then i kinda forgot what happened. max got home yesterday so me and rachael stopped by his house and said hey bC we missed him so darn much! then today went to the pool and layout out a crap loud. and saw our "sister" isabella. cutest thing ever. then we went to the mall and found the most amazing stuff!!! oh dear god. awesome part of the day was when me and rachael stole my moms car and drove it around, blaring music... yesssss my life will be awesome with a liscence. i can not wait until december 12. so then we got back and surprisingly i did not get into trouble. then we met up with ppl at the movies but didnt stay long bC rachaels mom was pissssed off now im talking to conner =) i miss him so much!! i leave wednesday for california for the best week of my life! i will miss all yall so much! i prolly wont write tomorrow so love yall in advance!!! Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com gaw i cant wait to see the wonderful lucy!! Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.com ok if you dont think those are funny...get the heck away from me. edit well. today i woke up and went to the mall with my sister to get some shoes. then i packed for california and talked to lucy for 1 hour on the phone. bad idea but anyways. then i went to alex's bday celebration at chilis! happy birthday alex!!!! then some ppl came back to my pool. which sucked. well i didnt have fun ahha but the rest did i think. just bC john made it pretty much horrible when he told everyone i think austin quadrochi is the hottest guy in our school. and he would not let me deny it. which is totally not true...bC i never ever said that! not worth fighting for tho. then i packed more and im SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!!i almost forgot...my hair is now black. oh yay. lauren im gonna miss you so much!! im gonna call you there though! and i cant wait to see you when we get back!! i love you so much! conner i am going to miss you soososososo much!!! i cant wait to come see you when i get home and give you a big hug and kiss!! i loooove youuu with all my heart! max i will miss you so much while you are gone for 5 weeks =( have fun and take lots of pics i lovee ya best friend. im gonna miss everyone else too so much!! its only a week tho haha what am i doing?! but whatever i love yall! and happy birthday alex!!!!!!!!
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cant wait =) love youuu.. and yes those are frikin hilarious