friday night

Listening to: tv
Feeling: old
yo! so tonight was...pretty bad acually! two of my best friends and i are on tough ground right now, but hopefully everything will turnn out to be okay, but i love them with all my heart, and they are basically my life. seriously i cant imagine who i would walk with in the halls and stuff without them! ive had them for like 4 years to listen to all the crap i have to say and to laugh and just have plain fun with! it would really break my heart if something were to happen between us! i love you guys more than anything in the world!!! beyond the was a weird night. i went to the movies and saw napolean dynamite-funniest movier! really retarded, but funy! sos during the movie, conners getting all touchy feeling like he always is, but this time i was like "nuh uh not cool" b/c i dont wnana like him again, and him all the sudden not like me anymore! so i was being really stand-offish! then after the movie i saw rachael and jenna and ran up to them and gave rachael a huge hello. acually i think i hurt her whe ni did it, (i gave her a headache) im sorry rachael! then we walked to quiznos...where john put a used jock strap on my head! yeah..nice guy! and thennn we stay at the theatre for like 1 hour or so just hanging out! and then in walks patrick mccreary! weiiiird! so i talked to them for a couple of minutes with conner. and conner asks me if i liked him...and boy did i screw up! lauren me and april had embarassing nights. april is now called triple nipple b/c john put foil down her shirt. i got a jock strap on my head. and laurens personal belongings fell out of her purse. wow! interesting! tomorrow i gotta wake up super early to get my permit!!!!! and this time its fo sure..unless i fail haha! well im gonna go talk to rachael and lauren! tootles
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lol dont worry..advil always does the trick..fights always settle out and theyre starting to right now love you with all my heart--rachael