
Feeling: empty
heey! im sittin here so freakin bored! this weekend has probably been the boringest weekend of my life! friday-nothing yesterday i went to fullers park with natalie and worked at the concession stands then walked to jennas. then me natalie and jenna went back to natalies to hang out! yeah and today~absolutely nothing! ugh! drags out my energy being bored! i have shopped online today for about 3 hours! lol! im excited though! b/c TN is coming up! and i finally get to see my favorite ppl in the world! but what sucks is that we are driving my sisters lil tiny mustang down there! its gonna be nice though b/c my bro wont be there! so hey! its alright!! im getting my haircut on wednesday along with the orthodontist! whoppee! then on friday im going to the game!! yay i love the games! um...i need to go work out! but im too lazy! thats sad! i think im gonna go get off my butt and do something its better than sittin here! k bye!
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