
Listening to: elf movie
Feeling: happy
hey!! i love tn so much! when i come here it makes me think about what would be going on in my life if i DID stay here. it makes me wanna move back so bad. my brother was like crying he wnats to move back so bad. b/c me bro and my two cousins are best friends. and mme my sister and my cousin are best friends. and my mom and her sister are so close. ugh i dunno! so today was boring! i took a shower...straightened my hair. then i went to my grandparents house for thanksgiving and it was so boring. the only good thing were my two cousins daniel and david who are twins..and they are HILAREOUS!! and then i came back to my aunts house for another dinner. and it was funner i guess. cept my aunts exhusband was here. and that was weird b/c everyone hates him. then my cousin my sister and i ditched the family and went to the park thing. and we brought blankets and sat in the middle of the park. it was so much fun! and then we played hardcore freezetag! that was fun too! then we left and drove around b/c some guy called my cousin to hang out and she made uip an excuse and then hung out with 7 other guys instead...and he showed up at the park! and it was REALLY weird....and he threw dip at her car...and i thought he was gonna shoot somebody! he was maddd! yeah then we went to taco bell but it was closed. and kolby was trying to get us to drag race with but my cousin is weird! shes too worried about her new sound system in her car that her friends bought her! so then they came over here. and this kid matt thinks im so mean! its so sad! then like 1 hour later they left .... to get alcohol! they are such faggots! um yeah they are defintally coming back over?!?! weird!! guess they got what they wanted...and are coming back here so they wont get busted?! hmmmmstrange ppl around this joint! well tomorrow we leave here at 12 to goto knoxvile and stay at brians house! well im gonna go! -em-
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