Im gonna love you tonight.

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: blah
I HATE THIS THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT FREAKIN DELETED AGAIN! i wrote like a fn paper! shit! GAH! AH@!#@!qw anyways! so i just won like 100 times of the game R is playing. i still cant believe i did that.i freakin clicked refresh on this, instead of on the other internet site. today is a good day!!! i can feel it!!! tonight i dunno what im doing. movies sound fun. sad how sittin in one solitary seat for 2 hours sounds fun. but it does. as long as im not sittin home alone, its cool with me!! possibly walton bball game. lauren weathers is singing. that should be interesting to watch. hah so kristin aka MK i/med me the other day, basically just to show me pics of her kaitlin patrick conner and jackie. i finally saw her motha fjsdhfsj stop sign. wasnt that great. i mean i ha ve one too. its in my front yard. beat that u Fer =]! whhhatever i talked to my mom this morning about my dads new job. she said that we wont be on a huge budget b/c he will be making more money with his new job. so hey thats good! also, my sister is now going to work at Talbots. something attracted her to that granny store? i want to have a fun weekend. not one where i sit around saying "What can i do" lol b/c that always happens. i also really wanna go to tennessee. i wanna see my cousins and my aunt. i wonder how much crap shes bought lately. while shes still married to my uncle, shes using his money to her advantage. smart if u ask me. but its not going to last long, shes getting a lawyer! i also wanna see what hair color my cousin has now. this is such a waste of my time. this class that is. yet, i really enjoy it! its pretty fun. i dunno how much fun it would be if i didnt have rachael/nicole to talk to. ehahah evn tho i dont talk to nicole. whooooops! sharptop is coming up soon. cough cough lauren. make ur desision lol. my mom is sending in the papers today! hah no pressure. have a good day. "if a guy can make you laugh, he can make you do anything" Marilyn Monroe soOo true
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well that took the frekin class