
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: crappy
hey!! i havent written in a while...lets see here friday-went to rachaels to decide some plans. was gonnna go to the movie...but it was too late. ended up eating dinner with my family. wowwww hey shut least it was free! then we went back to her house and relaxed on her couch for roughly 4 hours...then bed time saturday-woke up at her house around 11 then we watched tv until 12:30..went upstairs. ate. got online. did nothing until 3:30..when lauren came over. then we hung out (did nothing) lol and then alex and jack came over and we watched ANACONDA. who on the earth decided to make a movie about a mad snake..retarded i say. then i went home... sunday-woke up at 8:30 and went to sunday school and then church until 12. then i stayed until 1:45 to deliever flowers for community service hours for england. thennni called lauren and rachael and after laurens retard fall...i walked with them to the clubhouse and we met up with jeremy and his cute little dog bree, and then conner came later :] we got rid of my dog. shows how much WE care. mom took it to a adoption center...and none of us knew until 1 day later. i almost shed a tear. he-he its raining today which majorly sucks. i woke up and i was like OMG NO ITS RANING! lol anad then i was ironing my shirt and missed the bus...then my sister left iwthout me. so my mom had to take me and i was 15 late to first period b/c the line was insanely long. it was backed up like to blockbuster. then in homeroom we were harassing lenard about who he likes. its part of taylors love thang going on. i wish he would just go out with one of them already. well i have work to do in this class. if i finish, ill write more! EDIT me and my golfing friend lauren took upon our adventurous side to the golf course. that was freakin hileareous!! my dad took us...and he was like totally no help. me and lauren looked SOO bad compared to those ppl! especially the handicapped man. he only had one arm, and he was like pro man!! he is one of those "most amazing men" that u see on maury during the summer when there is nothing to do but watch tv for hours. whew! ok well whenever i didnt hit a ball i would cuss. and that was plenty of times. i was like SHIT and my dad was like "EMILY" (5 seconds later)"WORK ON UR SWING" i was like "YES DADDY" hahhh! overall, golfing was fun! shaking and rattling of the metal shed under which we were golfing in after my slanted golf ball HIT the freakin shed and EVERYONE looked at me. WHO DID THAT!??!?!!??! ill write tomorrow too! to update on my AWESOME life?!
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gosh is golfing ALL Youi do... bring my CLOTHES YOU FREAK AND FIND MY SHOE