good friday

i think about you baby...and i dream about you all the time today was so good!!! i woke up at 10:30 ooooh yeah it was amazing to sleep in! then i got dressed and went to church where i sat with alex w and kelsey p. that was um awful. the band SUCKED. then i went to the gym to feed alex 4 pieces of pizza lol PIG and then john was a total ass. but when is he not? he said "emily dont plan on hanging out with conner...dont even call him...he is hanging out with me" OOK JOHNNY BOY--jerk!!! thenn i went to subway with my mom,dad,and brother--saw chris duda and alan butts...that was odd. then i drove to the avenue and shopped with my mom. of course i didnt get anything but i picked out some really cute stuff for my mom so she had a nice shopping spree! eyyy yeah then i had to go back to school for SS history notes...which sucked. and i got yelled at by a sub teacher b/c my locker partner (faggoT) took my science book so i thought id sneek into her classroom and get the hw out of the book...but the teacher was like "you DO NOT walk into a classroom like that" "um ok...i need my hw" so i got the hw and i said "sorry for interupting" "next time .. do not walk into the classroom like that" "oooooooook" =) stupid stupid stupiD!!! thenn ss was a drag and now im home! i have to clean b/c my cousins are staying with us tonight!!!!!!!!! AHH YAY!! i love them so much!! thenn i have to go to that play with my family b/c spending all day with ur family just ISNT ENOUGH????!!!! blah i miss conner!!!! i didnt see him at all today..which sucked so bad!! and i wont see him tonight which sucks even more!! i really wanna hang out with him on saturday though because i miss him EDIT---- mk so tonight wasnt as bad as expected! went to the play which was pretty boring cept i met sarah beths cousin ruthanne and she is the funniest/prettiest person i have ever met! i am so jealous of that girl! lol! in the play they gave u bread for whatever reason and she was like "dang emily i am about to ask jesus for his wine" haha guess you hadda be there! but then i went back to the allen's house and me and sarah beth and ruthanne went up in SB's room to look at pics and i listened to stories about ruthannes and sb's hot guy stories lol and...then we just cracked jokes and hung out! omg and then we were eatin dessert and i totally spilt the cake ALL OVER THE TABLE...ruthanne wouldnt let me live it down! haha that sucked...even the grandparents were making fun of me! "hey emily i watched u cut the cake and since u are so good do you think you could cut me a piece" sarah beth is pretty fun...guess i was wrong about her. but this summer ruthanne is coming down for a week or two and we are going to hang out, so that will be cool! im waiting for my stupid cousins and her friend to get here so that we can go driving around and crap!! im sick of this house already!! i wanna get out!! hopefully they will come soon!
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cuuuutie patooootie diaryy love 8)
-looooves it:0)
