monnndays suck

Listening to: kicks 101.5
Feeling: leftout
yo! im so lazy today, its insane! so i get in school (running late) and i thought iwas gonna barf all first period. then after 1st john does his cool little LETS HURT emily move and i fall on the ground. then i walk to homeroom with mariam. then homeroom where i voted for winterfest. and then i walked to the stairs b/c conner wasnt there b/c my homeroom does not have a bell in i didnt hear it. but then he waited for me up by the stairs. yeah and then i walked to spanish. and spanish was funny. me n rachael had a total of 6 notecards during our supposed to be 22 notecard game, wow that was fun! then we had this butt hard quiz! then comp tech it was study hall, so i did my hw and secretly listened into bree and joys convo! that was interesting! then i went to the bathroom/locker/walked around/talked to ppl break during comp tech b/c it was boring! so thennnnn i went to lunch, and yeah that was cool i guess. cept *pretty eye* taylor wont stop throwing stuff down my shirt, and thats flat out annoying. so then i went to ss and had this crap load of work to do, but me and kelsey sat there and talked while she tryued new hairdos on me. then i went to lit. and that sucked. lovely mrs brooks is calling mi madre. so then was math, and by then i was too lazy to think, so i just sat n stared. then i had my daily talk with emily lol i love her! and thennnn i rode the bus home and when i got home i ate, and now im sittin here talking to vicki john and rachael. yeah wow i have a fun life! k ill write later tonighT! LATER
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the lovely miss brooks PA! who r u kidding
hello darling. we must chizill on winter break! LOVE - lauren