
i love you always forever near or far, closer together everywhere i will be with you everything i will do for you me and conner are back together couldnt be happier =) took a while for me to realize im retarded... i love him! short and sweet. england tomorrow... im really gonna miss everyone! if i get ANY chance to talk then ill DEFF call! i should get a calling card but i dont think that they work there! gaw i dont wanna leave for 10 days but whatev! i love everyone and ill miss yall like crazy this summer has been kinda boring for me just bC of all this graduation crap! but its over its getting my sister off to college! so i really have gotten myself into the biggest mess in which im deff gonna loose a friend... but thats part of life i guess! win some...loose some. i hope it all works out b/c i really do love all my friends! strangly...i refreshed this and then looked up and read this (on one of their pillows lol) "truely great ffriends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget" deeeyyeyuh(if you dont get have not heard me say it) lOve yaLl eMiLy
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i've heard so much about the england trip from emily and kelsey! hope you all have fun and make some awesome memories!!
i dunno about much. all i know is that ur pretty cool and my favorite person/person to cheat off of in 5th period. luv ya like a sister i guess <3 max