
Listening to: nothin
Feeling: stubborn
hey! today has been...alright. i have a ton of work and tomorrow i have to write a friggin historical essay and im scared, but then tomorrows also friday which means the game and something after! yay!! im so excited cept the game is $10!! but yeah thats cool i guess since we are in the playoffs!!! im waiting for rach to get on so we can chitchat!! this diary is really boring, i needa get rachael or lauren or someone good to fix it! today i woke up---FREEZING!! and i thought about stuff...then i went to the bus stop and was dying i was so cold! and got on the bus and talked to the coolest girl rachael! and then went to school and nothing interesting happened, cept one cool thing...but i dont feel like telling it b/c its long!!! alright and then um i came home and discovered my brother sittin on the couch. and iwas like hey fathead why arent u in school. hes like get away fag my knee is screwed. so i backed off and went upstairs. then my mom and i took him to football and watched him almost break his friggin leg becasue the stupid kid cant use crutches! haha but it was the funniest thing to see him waddle down the stairs! i was like "yo dude ur better off rolling down them" and he was screaming at me...yeah we are so nice to each other?! so now im watching CSI-but its a rerun so its not that great! tomorrows fca at friggin 7 in the am! so i gotta get to bed early, which prolly WONT happen considering i have to study for ss, do science hw, and something else that i am forgetting about! so im gonna go get started on that crap! tata
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haha yo dude better off rolling down! haha <3 YOU!