so fun!!

Listening to: kciks 101.5
Feeling: fat
hey! these past three days have been so much fun! so thursday night rachael slept over. then we went to breakfast with jenna and lauren. and then we took our final. then out FAV ppl stalked us. :) so then we went to laurens. went to kts. went to laurens again. then went to the movies with some fun ppl! it was fun hanging out with lauren rachael and jenna! they crack me up! katie too! wow..her dad is hilareous! soooo then they slept over my house (last minute thing) and we wanted jenna to come, however it was like 10:30 and im not sure her parents would want to drive her, but we called her anyways, but she didnt pick up :(! and i was a real butt to jenna at the movies, and i feel so bad! i love her so much, and blah i was just really selfish. SORRY JENNA I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! then sat we went to the mall. Rachael got lacoste YUM perfume. and we shopped for our families. i got nothing. they are hard to shop for. then we ate chinese and some guy was videotaping rachael. that was odd. and we saw page at the mall! that was cool! so now im doing nothing. and i dunno what im doing tonight! prollly nothig! haha oh well im really tired! i realy want my cousins and aunt to come down here. not my uncle. just them. i wish they would just move down here!! that would be amazing!! i miss them! so im gonna go b/c i feel like a cow and "over and over" came on and i hate this song. hehe (breathe) hehe (breathe)
Read 2 comments
hahahah(breathe) boy thats funny. michael allen sure can make a joke
haha its okay!! i would have ditched my friends for my boyfriend!! jk... if i only had one... haha anyways i still lovw yoU!!! -jenna