
Listening to: suds in the bucket
Feeling: needy
ugh i feel like crap! i know im complaining and i hate when people do that! but i just cut myself soo deeply my stomach hurts! i think i lost like 8 lbs of blood! i was making tacos...and i reached over the refried beans canned jar thingy that was open...and i sliced my finger...ive never seen a cut so thick! gaw it hurts! it hurts typing! and im so freakin tired! i dunno why but i got home and was struck by this sudden tiredness! today was bleh! nothing interesting happened! same ol boring day i normally have! and no bees today..thank goodness! but it was half day so i guess it was alright. AH sudden freakin pain in my stupid finger! alright this song is to happy i gotta change it! im watchin dr phil---thats how bored i am! americas next top model is on tonight though! yay! lol! omg im about to fall asleep sittin gonna go put on my pjs and watch a movie! even though i should be studying for two tests i have tomorrow...but i dont even care anymore.
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