
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: whatever
hey ya ol fart! alright well this is weird. i was at school after teb and i thought i was gonna hang out with lauren n katie..and so i met up with them. and then they start walking off and i thought they were coming right back in a few seconds, but no. they walk to some guys house....strannge just b/c they are at truyens house... im not mad at you lauren! ilu so then i called rachael to see how her shot went, she hadnt taken it! GOOD LUCK RACHAEL! ok so then i read everyones diaries again, and now im sittin here starving myself b/c im anorexic. im gonna die soon and become frail as a bone and shrivel up b/c im anorexic.... im fat so now im listening to taylor swift thinking about my cousins.... it aint great right now for them...my mom is coming back tho from it...luckily they are coming down on monday i think i might go to the mt bethel lock in with alex and taylor and possibly lauren on friday..that should be fun!! i really do love my friends. like ppl say that just to be nice. but i was thinking about it...im so glad i have such good friends to talk to. like some ppl are friends with ppl and have to be all polite and act not like themselves. but with mine, we just talk about nothing and have fun! wow i love you guys! mrs brooks sung today! it was amazing!! she really needs to quite teaching and sing! it was like..better than ah idunno! it was so good yogbeod ^ translate that-----
Read 4 comments
emily im worried about you, eat --rachael
hey emily!! sorry about that blank anonymous comment, that was mine ooops! you forgot the just kidding part after that aneorexic talk. man ms.brooks's singing was a total shocker today! i sure wasn't expecting that! we should hang out sometime over the break if you're not gonna be in TN! talk to you later! i love U!
emily im really sorry about that, i didnt think thats what went down and im sorry if it did! ilu!