monday of finals

Feeling: good
YO!! ok so today i went in science and did math hw while watching october sky. then in science food day was cancelled and instead of watching dodgeball we had to watch some gay movie instead! lol! now im sittin here, after having read lauren jenna and rachaels diaries. wow fun! and i already finished my powerpoint, its so cute! lol! ummm well this mornin i was super lazy. i woke upand dragged myself to the bathroom...and i straightened my hair for a total of 2 minutes, b/c i got too lazy. and so then i just put on a tshirt b/c i was too tired to think. i stayed up pretty late talking to my cousin about things. im so stinking bored now~ yesterday was ugh! i woke up at 930-10 ish and then at 12 my whole friggin family went to shoe carnival. then we went to target. then we went to some consignment shop. then we went to ethan allen and we were there FOREVER looking at this "perfect" armour for our living room. and then we went to hobbytown usa oh party. then we went to starbucks and then platos. and i got a pair of jeans. as a matter of a fact i am wearing them now. and i had to put them in the dryer this morning super early! lol another reason why im tired!this is where i first parked! ahh scary! i must say, i need some serious practice with driving! then i came home and went to laurens dance and got home from that at 10 or so, and then i was like about to pass out b/c my house smells so bad from the smell of the sutff on the hardwood floors. and so then after i lazily got ready this morning, i went to the bus stop and i seriously thought someone was watching me from a window in someones house, but it was a christmas tree! haha sad i know! tomorows teb...yay!!! i dunno what im doing, but i dont wanna go home! that would not be too fun! im kinda nervous about the finals! i just dont wanna test all week...blah! so my mom is in TN right now copeing with my aunt. lol copeing-funny word. im gonna get on aim express and talk to michael and emily! haha wow! have a good day lauren jenna and rachael! haha
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why thank you emy.. i will..that was hilarious about the christmas tree/stalking neighbor!! --rachael
soooooo what are we doing today! -L-