HUMP day

Listening to: nothing-
Feeling: cheesy
hahahah! rachael says "omg is it really hump day" hahha wow. so today has been a doozey. hah i woke up at 6:45. went back to bed until the stupid elementary bus drove by and its squeeky brakes awoke me. so i missed the bus again b/c RETARD me thinks i have time to go get my cell phone, as the bus strolls down the hill. joy. so i rode with my sister and saw jenna. then i walked with her into the school. pretty sweet. then iwent to spanish and we justplayed gmaes and crap. pretty much the biggest waste of time. then i went to HR with my new awesome group called the "singers hater cluB" with lenard and taylor. boozer was in a REALLY bad mood today. it was scary. so then we left...and i talked with lenard taylor laney RG and thomas. so much fun. then i came in this class. and boy i was super early. rachael wasnt even in here yet, acually i was WAITING for her. so then basically ive done NOTHING. but next period i have a math test and im scared! im not doing too hot which is sad considering the first lesson of the semester is supposed to be the easiest. ugh. soo last night i talked online prolly for a total of 4 hours. sad i know. this weekend, im NOT going to sit around. i refuse. omg yesterday mrs stupid filardi whom i hate decides it would be coo lto put me and RG across the room from each other. ERG! i hate that lady. and THEN in science...mrs riley was like "emily darling im not stupid i see you textin. put it away. im trying to teach u a lesson.."BLAHBLAH! so the ni replied with "theres nothing better to do" WOW wrong thing to say. so after my hours of chatting online last night, i went to bed around 10:45 thinking conner would call haha but i was wrong. sooo then i finally decided to go to bed. and i slept SO good. cept when i woke up my sister said i looked tired. whhhatever. so i was gonna wear my sparkly sweater, but its BUTT cold so i wore my huge eskimo coat. chyeah. what could be cooler? acually iwish i didnt wear it b/c its like 100 degrees in here today. sooo im gonna go b/c i need to do my science hw. and there is only 8 minutes left of class.
Read 3 comments
HAHAHAHA nice going with the comeback. slickkk. see you laterrrr. oh yeah, i refuse to sit around either. PEACCEEE
OMG I LOVE YOUR NEW LAYOUT!!!! it reminds me of ur room!! did u do that on purpose?! ok well love ya!! ~VICKI