
Listening to: none
Feeling: awesome
hey!!! today has been cool! i got a late pass from mrs thompson and she didnt sign it for the im gonna use it all day! lol! galas today!! im not going , lol but everyone will have fun! no one really seems excited, but i cant wait to hear about all the stories that happen tonight! thats the best part! yeah and then last night i was tryig to go to bed early...then conner just has to call at like i talk to him for about 30 minutes and thats it b/c i was tired! i dont like him anymore :-D! well im just trying to tell myself that b/c i really do but oh well! i wont be writing inthis thing in comp tech much anymore b/c we wont be in the comp room...we will be in the economics room having a study hall! blah! i want to have a chrsitmas party...or "holiday" party! lol! as soon as my dad finishes the living room, im having ppl over! michael is coming over saturday to help my dad finish the hardwood floors, and then we are done! we just have to load all of our crap back into the room! im in a really good mood for some reason! like im really tired and in a lazy mood...but nothing bad is happeneing to me so thats gooD! i have NO plans this weekend! its a bummer not to look forward to anything! but today im getting my passport for england and my permit!!!!!!!! im so scared...if i dont get my permit my mom is gonna make me pay the next time! i guess i should study for the darn thing! b/c i dont wanna wait to get my liscence...and like. itll be awesome!! ill heopfully get my liscnce next november and i cant drive around ppl!!! haha! well the bell rang! bye!
Read 2 comments
nice diary.. even tho the pink is killin my eyes. lol.. well, i guess thats what u get for starin at black all the time. lol
HEY..good luck on ur dmv thing! love you