On my Skin

i can feel the s t i n g of summer on my skin yesterday i asked my cousin if she had any clothes that don`t fit her anymore. i am guessing not...because she never answered me! lol whatever i`ll just ask her next time i go down there. which i hope is soon because i really wanna go there! i think i am going to stay there for a while this summer : ] so rachy got off at my stop today. if this isn`t sad i dont know what is...we slept. we looked through magazines for a while for cool hair colors and then i was like "i could go to sleep" and rachael was like "me too" sooo we did. rachael called her mom to pick her up and i just kept on sleeping =) wanna hear a pathetic story that is ALMOST embarassing? wonderful! so my brother would NOT get off the comp and i was getting pissed off. BIG TIME so i choked him and punched him which makes me sound like a pshyco, but damnit i wanted to get online. i told him to take his shit upstairs on his way up...i got a responce saying "kiss my ass" "gladly bend over" "come upstairs bitch""im not the bitch you are now leave me alone" i am deffintally feeling the LOVE my parents are in clemson right now looking for houses if that isn`t the weirdest thing ever. they randomly call saying they are up there and they won`t be back until like 11. ok bye?! im pale =( i know it. dont shove it in my face. xOViCkIChIcKYOx: SUGAR SHIT who the heck says that? defintally funny though OK well i just called my mom and they bought a house...once again VERY weird! its up by the campus so my sister will be living there.
Read 4 comments
hellooo i think your in webpage design right now...im booored

yeah i cant wait til summer either!
BOUGHT A HOUSE? Goodness. ♥
sweet layouuut ♥ L
haha what can i say..we all can't be as cool as me!