
Listening to: tv
Feeling: bad
hey! im feeling so much better! i talked to amanda last night, and shes okay. of course shes not gonna be cheery like she alwyas is. shes just ok! i havent talked to conner in a while! i feel bad for not calling him, but he never picks up his phone anyways! loL! so me and lauren wanna go to this startime lockin in my church on friday...and i really need to find out if i can go b/c the deadline is today! i just might be going to gaitlinburg to watch manda cheer! id kinda rather go to the lockin, i mean they are stayin with us like all christmas break, so i dont really see the point, but then again thats mean, so i guess i super wanna go! i think im gonna go do that long butt math w/s so that i wont be stressing about it all day today and i can hang out with my gals and we can have fun!! i really need to go shopping!!!! lol rememberances: buy mom a george foreman grill, a brooch buy dad: either the new blue collar comedy tour movie, or a home depot gift certificate i figured this year id go big, after whats happened, i have learned to appreciate my parents more. and heck they are giving me all this stuff, and i need to get them something nice!! TOOTLES!!!!!! have a good day yall!
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im glad you are feeling better emy!! love laure
so happy your feeling better! you know u can call me if you ever have a problem,. i love talking on the phone with you for three hours on my saturday night! yeah your right after all this, even if it isn't my family, i realized how amazing my parents are! I guess i need to appreciate more things in life!! lol well i gtg!! love you!!