sOmebOdy like yOu

Listening to: rachael talking
Feeling: giggly
i wanna lOve sOmebOdy...lOve sOmebOdy like yOu THREE day weekend!! this is going to be amazing! my mom is even giving me money for this weekend : ] this morning i woke up to the sound of my sisters friends YELLING and screaming b/c they decided to kidnap her this morning and take her to breakfest. der.... it was loud!! math test next period, and i am kind of scared because i really hope i get a good grade! it`d make me feel better considering i had the hardest freakin spanish quiz. wanna know something sad? last night vicki text me and said "where are are not online" that is PATHETIC so then i decided to beg my mom to take me to target... so i drove b/c she was too tired to drive! they had some really cute stuff, but i didn`t get anything! i am saving up my money for a HUGE shopping spree=) girl scouts are SLACKING this year... i mean i didn`t get one damn little girl to come to my door to try to sell me those cookies. screw them...i never liked those cookies anyways! so my dad got this brand new laptop for the house, but we are not allowed to use it... and if he finds out we used it... he is going to make us pay $2,OOO dollars to get it fixed if he found out it was us that broke it...SO GAY! i am going to go home and SLEEP as sad as that is! but yeah i am.
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hahahaha girl scouts are slackingg haha. yeah i didnt get one damn little girl etiher
i got cookies... i guess those little girls like me better than you :/