goodbyes suck

Listening to: the patriot movie
Feeling: cherished
god i write so much. its kinda sad last night my cousins came at like 11:30 or something. and after NOT saying hey to my uncle bC i hate that man more than anything in the world...i went upstairs and me,edie (my aunt but she wont let me call her my aunt ..makes me call her EDIE) my mom , amanda, her friend emily, and my sister sat in my sisters room and talked! i miss them so much. then i talked to CONNAH on the phone forever and my sister wanted to kill me b/c i was in her bed with her. thenn this morning EDIE woke me up..." u want to come to waffle house with us" "NO IM TIRED" "oh emily get up" and she smacks my butt. arg. so then i got up and we ended up going to Jchristophers where i found out just how DITZY and retarded my family is. freakin rednecks. then we went home and they left =( thats the worst part of them coming down. i hate them leaving...thats the 4 ppl out of my whole extended family i acually enjoy being with and acually cry when they leave... then i went to the mall with rachael and lauren..DOIY...and i got a shirt! umm then we went to DSW and crap and lauren got some cute shoes...then we went back to laurens house and had dinner with her mom/dad! yeah fun!! later im going to a movie with my baby =) ahh i cant wait! i miss the boy like crazy!! EDIT-_- GOOD night!! =) went to the movies with connahh and we "watched" national treasure. but pretty much we just stood in the little sectioned off area back in the no problem with me :] but we had some pretty funny moments. we went into this theatre and this girl and her boyfriend walked by and just looked at us and she was like "dont worry we are getting up to do the same thing" so then we left that theatre and went into another and saw them AGAIN! haha it was ... akward but funny. when we were waiting for his mom to pick him up...we were officially the last ppl in the theatre and that was kinda creepy! i love him so much! he is beyond amazing i wish i could have him forever!! i love EVERY minute i spend with him!!
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glad you had a good night! ♥ lauren
i love your diary=)
glad you had fun dahling! ♥ r